World getting hectic? You matter & you’re needed.

Do you ever feel unheard, unseen or unappreciated? Like maybe what you do just doesn’t matter? After 15 years of life coaching, I’m certain the most overlooked need we have is to know we matter.

You can find validation from people who love you, purposeful work, and community. Even with these supports though, the strongest assurance comes from within. Your soul and God already know your worth. It’s not yours to prove; it’s yours to receive and accept.

God gives us an internal compass that speaks to our soul. Distractions and opinions can mess with the bearings, but only temporarily. Within you is the Holy Spirit, whispering guidance to who and what you are: a shining soul made of pure light. You’re here to do what makes your soul sing. Follow that song, and you’ll know you matter, beyond any question or doubt.

You, shining soul, are preciously indispensable. You’re never alone, with God’s love beaming right from your core. And you matter, immensely. Take a few deep breaths, close your eyes, and connect with your beautiful soul’s compass. Follow true north, my friend. You’ll feel heard, seen and appreciated, navigating with God, and delighting in the process.

Rooting for you, Soulshine!


Need a kick of energy? Tap your feet to a new beat.


Zero regrets life