Relief: the sweetest game changer

When circumstances bother us, causing frustration, head, or heartache, we naturally seek relief. We want trouble to ease up and pain to go away. When it does go away, we rush right back to routine and normalcy. But then we miss the best, sweetest part of trouble: relief.

This past week, I had a migraine from the devil’s belly. It would not ease up, and I understood how physical pain can drive people straight to insanity. I did all the things: prayed, iced, heated, stretched, slept, repeated. Finally, I woke up one morning to sweet relief. The migraine was completely gone. Instead of dancing through my day with hallelujahs and gratitude, I got out my to-do list and caught up on work. What a missed opportunity for celebration!

Relief is a golden ticket to experience gratitude, humility and joy. We were in need, then help arrived. Relief is a kiss of God’s grace, and an opportunity for a better, game-changing perspective. Imagine seeing the landscape of your life through lenses of gratitude, humility and joy. This trifecta of emotions is such a winning combination that every experience you have, and any day you’re alive, is given due celebration.

Celebration isn’t just for confetti-filled occasions. It’s a conscious awareness of the daily miracles we rush past. God wants us to pause and enjoy the feeling of trouble’s weight being lifted off our shoulders.

When we stop to enjoy the grace of relief, mountains move. Our lives become richer and more fulfilling. Trouble is just an opportunity to experience the sweetness of relief. Pain and problems remind us of how much God loves us, and how incredibly precious our lives are.

Rooting for you Soushine,



Avoid this sad, common mistake


Need a kick of energy? Tap your feet to a new beat.